This build of Duke Nukem Forever was made in Unreal Engine. “A huge chunk is playable, a huge chunk is block-outs with no enemies.” They say they will release the game’s source code with instructions for compiling it. The leaker - again posting on 4chan - claims that “almost every chapter is present in some form” of this build. The HUD is the cleanest and most modern-looking feature, and it has an “ego” meter, apparently functioning like a damage shield, which refills when Duke offs another stooge.

Police in SWAT gear return fire, and when Duke blows them away, some kind of alien tendrils burst from their dead bodies. In the clip, Duke blasts his way through a burning, yet dimly lit strip club, encountering minimal resistance as he goes. I have no knowledge who leaked this.- George Broussard May 9, 2022 Just a smattering of barely populated test levels. No, I’m not really interested in talking about it or retreading a painful past.