A new campaign of 5+ hours of new and genuine Painkiller action! 5 completely new levels with impressive locations like an Angkor temple, a massive old warehouse and a highway where hundreds of cars crashed. Just Painkiller and nothing else matters!

Once again you have the chance to experience the magnificent dark atmosphere of the good (or evil?) Painkiller, the only true oldschool First Person Shooter, tough as nails, without a trace of remorse, without a glimpse of motion blur or other technological makeup. Will you be able to escape from the prison hidden in the darkest deepest chasm of Hell? Do you have enough courage to travel through the most dangerous and twisted areas, infamous for their unsafety, even among demons themselves? Are you prepared to significantly reduce the demonic population? This time around it's a battle for the freedom of your very soul. movement, looking, shooting/reloading and weapon scrolling.Battle never ceases in the realm known as Hell. At the times when there are too many keys in the game I just assign the most important to the controller EG. After a bit of fiddling you can get most older pc games controlling very well. Its only in the last few years where PC games have started to have native controller support so in most cases a program like Xpadder or joy2key (the one i use) which basically lets you assign buttons to any of the keys/ mouse stuff.

Thanks! A bit late here but I have the same problem, I just simply prefer controllers for gaming in general. Saying that will prob have a go at giving out some 'wrath of god' the old fashioned way with this game - keyboard/mouse and find some other non-necessarily shooting games that do support control pads. I guess it should work on anything but maybe not with games that have a more extensive list of commands. Thank you for pointing me in the direction of xpadder. RadioGnome: Hmm Im really surprised to find out there is little support for controllers with fps games, I can understand why though when i think about it.